I am proud to announce the Unveiling Ceremony of my good Friend Vietnam Medic and Founder of Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day, Joe G. Ramos.
Alfred Lugo
"The Whittier Jose G. Ramos Bicycle Monument
Proposal Author" Alfred Lugo Documentary Producer/Playwright alfredo.lugo@verizon.net 562-706-3286 Veteran Advocate AGIF El Camino Real Chapter NHDVS Veteran Advocate Council 120 Las Cruces N.M. LULAC WHVVD Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day Resolution Author/Campaign Chairman "Congressional Gold Medal for Mexico's Escuadron 201' Creator/Founder "Jose G. Ramos Whittier's Bicycle Monument" Documentaries "Men of Company E" "Guy Gabaldon...American Hero" "The Angels Who Landed at Dawn" Play "Troopers" Play "Roll Call" "He came home a Vietnam War Hero but the Inequity and Insanity of the War made him think he was a Murderer"