Somos Primos Unidos
Buscando Nuestras Raíces
This is a continuation of the twenty years, 2000-2020 online effort of Somos Primos, to encourage all Hispanics and Latinos to gather and share their family stories. Somos Primos was available as a print quarterly for ten years prior to the online editions. Somos Primos is freely accessible online.
This new companion website is dedicated to seeking out and sharing the many outstanding historic and diverse contributions of Hispanics. The goal is to counteract the Anti-Spanish Black Legend which circulated for 500 years throughout the world.

Did you know? Tomás Alva Edison
Edison was born, February 18, 1848 in Sombrerete, Zacatecas, Mexico,
son of Samuel Alva Iztlixochitl, a mining engineer and Nancy Matthews Elliott Edison.
Artist: Eddie Martinez
Eddie Martinez was a Disneyland artist who designed the Mexican Pavilion in Orlando, Florida. With a special love for outstanding people, he sketched Tomas Alva Edison. Edison was one of the most creative visionary scientists who gave the world the light bulb, the beginning of the modern age.